passive does less damage per second. Twitch can now be delayed from
entering stealth (through damage) for much longer than before.Scarra Veigar vs Nidalee
BASE DAMAGE : 52 ⇒ 49
Passive - Deadly Venom
TRUE DAMAGE : 2/4/6/8 (at levels 1/6/11/16) ⇒ 1/2/3/4/5/6 (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16)
Q - Ambush
STEALTH TIMING : Time to stealth without taking damage now 1.25 seconds ⇒ 1.5 seconds
STEALTH TIMING WHILE BEING HIT IN THE FACE : Maximum time to stealth while taking damage now 3 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds.
Faker Riven vs Gragas
Faker Riven vs Gragas
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