Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 8, 2014

Upcoming Skins

Upcoming Skins
The following skins will be released at various times during Patch 4.10:

Sweeper Alistar
Superfan Gragas
Striker Lucian
Goalkeeper Maokai
Red Card Twisted Fate

Primetime Draven



By slightly raising the base gold reward of dragon, we're hoping to continue to emphasize its value as an early level objective. This also means teams who consistently kick off lane swaps will need to make greater strategic tradeoffs for a safer lane. Scarra
BASE GOLD 145  180

Reinforced Armor

 Reinforced Armor

CLARITY Tooltip clarified to state that it reduces the total damage from critical strikes Bjersen



BUGFIX Fixed a bug where Exhaust did not grant assists when used against slow immune targets (who are still affected by the damage reduction effect) FAKER



With the removal of Randuin's Omen's passive movement speed debuff, we saw that Heal was giving too much additional safety when a marksmen takes on a fighter, so we're tuning Heal down just a bit.Apdo(Dopa)
MOVEMENT SPEED BOOST Speed boost duration now 2 seconds  1 second



We're generally happy with what the new Teleport changes are achieving, but it's a little too strong as a lane recovery ability. Particularly in competitive play we were seeing a lot of top laners constantly using Teleport as a way of stagnating the early lane rather than trying to set up for global map pressure.Doublelift
COOLDOWN Cooldown when teleporting to towers now 200 seconds 240 seconds

Ability Power Items

Ability Power Items

With Mikael's going up in cost and offering more mana regeneration / cooldown reduction, we felt we should also take a look at Athene's Unholy Grail, a very cost-efficient item that gives pretty much everything a wave-clearing AP mid laner needs to push all day (looking at you Ziggs). Dyrus The reason we chose to tune down Athene's defensive stats rather than its offensive power is to make it a little less of a 'perfect' safe pushing item so opponents can potentially find windows of engagement. The buff to Morellonomicon is just to make it feel better as a late-game item.Wickd

Athene's Unholy Grail

MANA REGENERATION 15 mana per 5 seconds  10 mana per 5 seconds


MANA REGENERATION 12 mana per 5 seconds  10 mana per 5 seconds

Support Items

Support Items

In high level play, Mikael's Crucible was often being rushed as a primary 'core' item on most supports (beyond Sight Stone and a finished gold per 5 item), which meant long-cooldown, heavy engage teams had a lot of problems properly kicking off a FAKER teamfight if the enemy simply Mikael'd the caught target to safety. This ends up putting a lot more emphasis on teams who can 'catch' out targets multiple times (Elise, Morgana, etc) so that Mikael's is only useful for one of those cases. A Mikael's in every game also made things doubly sad for utility-focused marksmen like Ashe or Varus who bring big control abilities to the table. Our changes to Mikael's is to push it more toward a mid to late game luxury buy against heavy engage / pick team compositions but isn't so attractive as a purchase that it's found in every game.Froggen

This also lets us introduce a new mid-tier support item in the form of Ardent Censer! We're particularly excited about Censer because of all the possibilities it can bring to the support role, particularly the more defensively focused shield / heal champions like Alistar, Janna, Sona, or Soraka.

NEWArdent Censer

UNIQUE PASSIVE Your heals and shields on another unit grant them +25% Attack Speed for 6 seconds Bjersen
UNIQUE PASSIVE +8% movement speed
MANA REGENERATION 10 mana per 5 seconds
TOTAL COST 2200 gold
RECIPE Forbidden Idol + Aether Wisp + 550 gold

Forbidden Idol

TOTAL COST 750 gold  700 gold

Mikael's Crucible

TOTAL COST 1600 gold  2450 gold
RECIPE Chalice of Harmony + 720 gold  Chalice of Harmony + Forbidden Idol + 870 gold
MANA REGENERATION 12 mana per 5 seconds  20 mana per 5 seconds

Locket of the Iron Solari

UTILITY Active's shield amount is now calculated using the recipient champion's level if the recipient is a higher level than the item owner.

Warden's Mail & Randuin's Omen

Warden's Mail & Randuin's Omen

Warden's Mail

PASSIVE Passive Cold Steel's attack speed reduction now 15%  10%

Randuin's Omen

REMOVEDPASSIVE Passive Cold Steel no longer reduces attacker's movement speed
PASSIVE Passive Cold Steel's attack speed reduction now 15%  10%

Attack Speed Items

Attack Speed Items


COST 400 gold  450 gold

Berserker's Greaves

TOTAL COST 900 gold  1000 gold


TOTAL COST 1175 gold  1100 gold

Wit's End

TOTAL COST 2400 gold  2500 gold

Youmuu's Ghostblade

NEWYOUMUU'S PARITY Active now lasts for 6 seconds on ranged champions as well (previously lasted only 4 seconds on ranged champions and 6 seconds on melee champions) Doublelift Jinx & Leona

Recipe Cleanup

  • The following items have had their recipe costs adjusted due to the Dagger and Zeal price changes, but their total price remains unchanged:
    • Stinger
    • Phantom Dancer
    • Sword of the Divine
    • Madred's Razor
    • Wriggle's Lantern
    • Runaan's Hurricane
    • Trinity Force
    • Statikk Shiv
    • Blade of the Ruined King
    Doublelift Vayne & Lulu 

Attack Damage Items

Attack Damage Items

B. F. Sword


Infinity Edge


Mercurial Scimitar

NEWMERCURIAL PARITY Active ability now gives the movement speed bonus to ranged characters as well. Doublelift Jinx
TOTAL COST 3700 gold  3800 gold

Lifesteal Items

Lifesteal Items

NEWEssence Reaver

UNIQUE PASSIVE You gain 2-8% of the damage dealt by basic attacks as mana. This effect increases based on how much mana you are missing.Doublelift Ezreal
RECIPE Vampiric Scepter + Pickaxe + 975 gold
TOTAL COST 2650 gold

Doran's Blade

REMOVEDLIFE ON HIT Basic attacks no longer restore health on hit
Doublelift Caitlyn vs Lucian
HEALTH 80  70

Vampiric Scepter


Bilgewater Cutlass


Blade of the Ruined King

ACTIVE ABILITY Maximum health damage now 15%  10%
ACTIVE ABILITY Active ability now steals 30% movement speed  25% movement speed
PASSIVE DAMAGE Current health damage per hit now 5%  8%
LIFESTEAL 15%  10%
Doublelift Ashe

The Bloodthirster

REMOVEDBLOODTHIRSTY PASSIVE No longer grants bonus attack damage or lifesteal per unit kill
NEWBLOODTHIRSTIER PASSIVE Lifesteal can now overheal, granting a bloody shield that absorbs 50-450 damage (based on champion level). This shield decays when out of combat for 15 seconds.Doublelift Lucian vs Draven
LIFESTEAL 12%  15%
TOTAL COST 3200 gold  3500 gold

Offensive Physical Itemization

Offensive Physical Itemization

We've got some major itemization changes this patch with a specific focus on the marksman role as a whole. As we mentioned in the foreword, our goal is to open up the landscape of attack damage and attack speed item choices. In terms of specific challenges, we saw that in the 2014 season, lifesteal was quickly becoming a 'must have' stat for marksmen with Bloodthirster leading the pack. What ends up happening with BT being a dominant buy is that it both heavily favors burst-AD champions and also snowballs lanes toward who can get their BT first. Bloodthirster being the best first purchase also has a secondary effect of reducing a lot of mid to late game marksman power as they're not going for the multiplicative damage stats (crit and attack speed) to punch through the tanky dudes. We also took the opportunity to make other adjustments to items like Warden's Mail / Randuin's Omen so that they're not so straight up mean to auto-attack reliant champions.xpeke

What these changes should do is give all marksmen equal build paths forward without one being much, much better than the other. This also allows us to do two neat things:

1.) With the Doran's Blade change, marksmen can tailor their lifesteal needs by picking up multiple DBlades to sustain through the laning phase without having to always commit to an early BT or Blade of the Ruined King.

2.) We can set all end-game marksmen items to build out of a B.F. Sword with 80 attack damage as the baseline. This means when you pick up a B.F. Sword, youknow it'll build into a strong end-game item - it's just a matter of deciding which sort of defensive or offensive utility you want to get out of it.

Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer

BUGFIX : Fixed a bug with Ardent Censer where it was passively granting bonus movement speed to all teammates on the map (don't ask how it happened, it just did).Bjergsen - Orianna vs Akali



BUGFIX : Fixed a bug where Draven could no longer throw a spinning axe if he caught it or primed it in the middle of an attack animation.Scarra Viktor vs Morgana



R - Death Mark

BUGFIX Zed no longer teleports to a random location if he Death Marks someone who is in the middle of a dash (eg: Xin Zhao's Audacious Charge, etc). Faker Jayce vs Lucian



Twitch's passive does less damage per second. Twitch can now be delayed from entering stealth (through damage) for much longer than before.Scarra Veigar vs Nidalee
We think Twitch has awesome lategame power, but he's also got a offensively strong early game on top of having a lot of safety throughout. To focus on that safety aspect, Ambush's stealth often let Twitch make an escape even when already caught out by enemies. We do think the new AD itemization changes will benefit the smelly rat, but the focus here is (mostly) to provide some additional counterplay for preventing stealth (hit him in the face!).



Passive - Deadly Venom

TRUE DAMAGE 2/4/6/8 (at levels 1/6/11/16)  1/2/3/4/5/6 (at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16)

Q - Ambush

STEALTH TIMING Time to stealth without taking damage now 1.25 seconds  1.5 seconds
STEALTH TIMING WHILE BEING HIT IN THE FACE Maximum time to stealth while taking damage now 3 seconds  6 seconds.
Faker Riven vs Gragas



ICONS New icons have been added for all abilities



Rocket Jump is cheaper and is more forgiving to use when jumping around / over walls. Buster Shot's range scales with character level.
We're giving Trist some modernization buffs to help emphasize her high moments (STOMP THEM ALL TRIST!). For additional context, the Rocket Jump change doesn't mean you'll make every wall-jump, but it should be more forgiving when used around terrain. If you're still failing wall-jumps, get closer before jumping!

W - Rocket Jump

COST 80 mana at all ranks ⇒ 60 mana at all ranks
UTILITY Now more accurately checks for nearby landing spots when jumping close to, or over, walls

R - Buster Shot

UTILITY Range now scales with level (like Draw a Bead/Explosive Shot) Faker Akali vs Ziggs



Apparently when Thresh's basic attack was charging up from Flay, it used the wrong buff icon. This change adds... CLARITY! Bjergsen - Zed vs Ahri

E - Flay

CLARITY! Now displays the correct buff icon